Ripon is a beautiful city set in stunning scenery.  Covid restrictions have been a challenge for mental health and well-being, but the absence of many normal activities has also encouraged more and more people to walk and cycle in and around Ripon.

Covid-19 has prevented Ripon Together from operating as it would have liked to have done but it has still found ways to take forward its Healthy Journeying initiative.  You can find a wealth of local walks and bike rides on this website which will help you enjoy our fabulous environment whilst getting fitter and healthier.

Ripon Together is also supporting the creation of local greenways and a walking and cycling strategy for the city, as envisaged in the City Plan approved in a referendum in February 2019.

As currently planned, the Clotherholme development will significantly increase traffic in the city.  Healthy Journeying – cycling and walking – will help reduce any congestion and pollution.

Dean John Dobson said “Ripon Together was set up to make Ripon an even better place to live.  Encouraging people to move around the city and its surrounding area sustainably is increasingly important.  We want more people to cycle and walk, and we want better access to the city and its countryside for those with disabilities.  We need local infrastructure to support this.  We would love to hear from anyone with ideas on how that can be delivered.”

Ripon Together is also asking local people to help the Ramblers’ Association to identify paths that have been in public use but are not shown as footpaths or bridleways so that they can be protected under law.  If people know of any such paths, or want to volunteer their help with this project, they should e-mail

People who find public footpaths or bridleways obstructed or in poor condition can also use that e-mail address and Ripon Together will pass on the information to the Ramblers’ Association.

Ripon people can also sign up to help the national project – Slow Ways – to map and encourage people to use footpaths which link all cities, towns and villages in the UK.  They are currently seeking volunteers to test out the routes they have identified.  Go to for more information.

We would love to hear your ideas on how we can take this initiative further, and where there are issues in access or safety currently.  You can do that by e-mailing Ripon Together and by taking part in the AGM on 10 November (e-mail us for details and joining instructions).